Waterfront Building Boom Continues Amid New Alarm Over Rising Seas

Special Report by SF Public Press / GIS analysis by Maia Wachtel, Marcea Ennamorato and Brittany Burson, UC Berkeley CAGE Lab / Research by Lulu Orozco

  • over 7 years ago
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Datasets in use

  • entire_bay_200cm_rise

    GIS analysis by Maia Wachtel, Marcea Ennamorato and Brittany Burson / UC Berkeley CAGE Lab for San Francisco Public Press.

    public 1 rows about 9 years ago
  • san_francisco_bay_96_rise

    GIS analysis by Maia Wachtel, Marcea Ennamorato and Brittany Burson / UC Berkeley CAGE Lab for San Francisco Public Press. Cleaned with mapshaper

    public 1 rows about 9 years ago
  • spring_2017_polygons

    Footprint of each planned development inside the potential flood zone. GIS analysis by Maia Wachtel, Marcea Ennamorato and Brittany Burson / UC Berkeley CAGE Lab for San Francisco Public Press.

    public 26 rows over 7 years ago
  • spring_2017_points

    Special Report by SF Public Press / GIS analysis by Maia Wachtel, Marcea Ennamorato and Brittany Burson, UC Berkeley CAGE Lab / Research by Lulu Orozco

    public 36 rows over 7 years ago

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